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SA Consult is part of a wide network including Malta's leading real estate agents, architects and property developers, and thus we are in a perfect position to provide expert advice in all regards for medium to high end property rental and property law in Malta. Malta opens up a window of opportunities for those wishing to start up or expand their business, with favourable commercial leasing terms and a highly business-friendly environment.

SA Consult provides property consultancy and legal services for individuals looking to rent a property, including negotiating and drafting of rental agreements including the term, payments, extensions and renewal, on behalf of both the lessors and lessees. Our years of experience and network of real estate agents, developers, local businesses and more enable us to provide you with the best lease for your needs, whether you require a small commercial office space, catering establishment, factory, warehouse or other.  Upon signing of the lease agreement of the property, the lessor does not waive his obligations toward warranty, structural repairs, maintenance and upkeep of the premises, and this is to be continued throughout the contract duration.

In such cases where the property is sold during the leasing period, the new owner becomes the new lessor and must adhere to the contract as agreed with the former owner. The lease is not terminated, unless an agreement to the contrary was established prior.

SA Consult can also work on behalf of non-residents seeking to purchase or rent property that may need to meet additional requirements and conditions in order to do so. Our partners can also provide impartial property valuations, as well as assisting with the creation and managing of inventories on behalf of lessors.

To view the Introduction to the Private Residential Lease Act please click here.